This is
the bike that I love. After years and years of
wanting to be back on a bike, my Honey of a
husband bought this beauty as a 25th wedding anniversary
present, Ok, so I don't ride it myself, but
sit down, shut up and hang on is good enough for me.
Everyone remembers their first ride, and I'm no exception. I have to
admit, the first was on (please forgive me) a Honda. At least it was fast,
and black, and looked a lot like this one below. It was a '73 750
err...(cough, cough)...Honda.
After that first
time, I found out what a real bike looks and feels like on the back of a 58
panhead. Black and chopped. From that point on, it was Harley or
Back in my Panhead
days, the group I was riding with gave me the nickname Butterfly. It
stuck, and part of me will always be Butterfly. As the saying goes, you
can take the butterfly off the bike, but you can't take the bike out of the
Actually, this
riceburner almost looks a teensy little bit like the chopper I spent
so many good times on. There is something about a black bike that
kinda rocked my world. (This one has the most gorgeous etching on the
windshield. But according to the specs, it's a little hard on the fanny. Who
cares anyway~ it's still a Honda.
Now this
beauty below is in fact, the genuine article of my affection my
husband so lovingly purchased in honor of our wedding anniversary.
Click Here for the best
Harley Shop in the world,
RollingThunder Cycles in Hempstead,
I have to thank Ed, the LIHOGS, and my
husband, because we have just bought our firsst Harley. I can
only assume, he read my site, and listened to my show enough to figure out,
the chick will be a biker....on or off the bike. Plus, once he sat on
a Wide Glide, he knew it was time.
Here's a link for our New Friends LI Hog. We Thank them for being part
of the Kat &EdShow.