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Like Gems from my jewelry box, this page will one day hold lots and lots of little treasures.   Snippets of what I consider to be great radio airchecks.  Unfortunately, my most precious gem has never been found.  It was a night when a new host  began a shift at WMCA, and was mercilessly cranked by a network of fiends put together by Tom Somebody.  With Tom yelling in my ear, I became confused, and when Mark  said "Pix um, Wmca, are you there?"  "Yes.....______ was my reply.

   The phones at Crank Call Central went wild!  Caller after caller asked "Was that Snapper?"  Yes, my foray into the forbidden zone had indeed gone out over Straus Communications in New York.  Although we were listening on a subway master with air check capabilities, the  aforementioned radio stahr Tom, had not thought to put in a tape, because the crank calls were supposed to be off air.

   If anyone ever surfaced with this little piece of heaven, I would be forever grateful.  But since I won't be holding my breath, I am instead putting a page  with other great moments of radio history.  Rome wasn't built in a day, so be patient.     (Remember, I still can't get my rollovers to rollover!)