When I was small I would have a
recurring nightmare that a wicked
witch was chasing me all around
the neighborhood and I couldn't
find our house. I would wake up
screaming as if I were being killed.
I was so scared, my parents would
take me into their room, and I
would crawl into bed with my mother.
She would cuddle me on the side,
with her in the middle, so
we wouldn't disturb my father.
This went on for a few years, It
makes you wonder what could have
been going on in real life that was
so terrible that my parents put up
with this behavior for so long.
Eventually I learned to become the
director of my terrifying dreams,
and therefore I was no longer
afraid. I now know why they
let me sleep in their bed for so
long when I was little. The
truth was more of a nightmare
than this little head could dream up.