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The butterfly maiden looks inquiringly up at the heavens, soul-searching as she watches the clouds form layer upon layer of strange and wonderful lands. Beneath her multicoloured, gossamer headdress beats the heart of a lion offering strength to the gentle souls in flight. A swirl of flowers forming a garland around the "Queen of the Jungle", gradually blends into sea and stars. This transitional plane is the meeting place between the butterfly's ethereal and gentle world and the lion's proud and powerful domain. The outcome of this meeting is a perfect blend for life. - Josephine Wall   Heart & Soul





The soft glow of dew on the leaves spreads a rainbow across the small garden, she seeks solitude on this day to gather her thoughts at what lays ahead
The stirrings in her body have been gathering for some days and now she must make the choice
Tomorrow who knows what sights may befall her, today she only knows that the choice is hers and must be made.
Slowly at first she unfurls her body the tiny veins pumping life to her soul, then the panic of what is to happen washes over her and she struggles with the veil which encloses her
A big black cat watches from the hedgerow as she sits nervously waiting for the chance then a puff of scented air wafts past her and she reaches out to follow, suddenly the air is under her wings and she floats so slowly behind it her wings are fluffing along and she sees the world from on high who knows what will happen tomorrow, she doesn't care for this little monarch has arrived and her time is for the moment
The wonders of nature adorn her as she disappears from sight,
The cat blinks and continues to clean his fur

by Suzanne Roberts, New Zealand


Oddly enough, the butterfly is one of the animals of the Gemini, which is my sign.  I have always had a connection with them and one personality takes the name Butterfly. 

I'm a wind Spirit. 



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